Wednesday 20 January 2010

Evaluation Questions.

1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
The convention of my media product depends on the genre of my magazine. With it been indie I decided to use indie photos and young girls who usully are associted with it. My media product uses conventions of real media products with the headings, sub titles and main images which attract the reader in.With the research and the deconsturctions of the other magazine it made it easier to ind conventions of real media products. I found that most magazine limited there colour pallett to about 2-5 colours,knowing this i decided to limit my colour pallette to three colours:- Pink Black and White. The stories in the magazine were based according to the genre of the magazine, e.g rock or indie music. Due to my magazine been indie i decided the content on my double page spread is about a indie band, and I formed a interview with a indie band to relate to my magazine. The target audience of my magazine was teenagers and I represented teenagers throughout my magazine by using images of teenagers in my mag.
For my titles I used bold text to stand out from the rest of the page,for dialoge i used stand size 20 text, in bold so its easy for the reader.
On my double page spread I have stuck to media conventions by using a interview layout. I slso kept my text on one side of the page to cut the page in half. I did this so it didnt look messy and be spread across my whole page and merge into a blur.
Through my research I found other magazines put smaller images around the bottom, in boxes to attract the readers attention, so I decided to add smaller images around mine.

In the magazine I deconstructed they put the magazine name or logo in the top corner, so i stuck with this convention which gave my magazine a professional feel.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Throughout my magazine, I represented the social group by teenagers and young adults that are into indie. It shows this throught the mise-en-sence, the clothes they wear, with dresses and skirts. To show that my magazine is indie and that my particular social group, i show this through the instruments in my magazine, e.g the electric guitar.
I use modern colours to show the audience at what social groups I aim my media product at, by using girly colours.
On my front cover my main image is of a solo artist, which stand out and shows its a music magazine and they social groups who are into this will buy it.
I used similar colours and fonts to other magazines, due to them been seen as attractive to the eye.

3. What kinds of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
There are a number of different places which I would concider to distribute my magazine:



-recording shops

-local town shops e.g whsmith.

If i were to sell my media product I would distribute it in shops, due to this been able to be avaliable to a wide range of people. The disadvantage of this would be its not avaliable to those who don't go to these shops. Another way of distributing my media product would be through the internet and have a website for 'killah' magazine. Due to the internet becoming a world wide invention and been assible to everyone.
Another way of getting my media product out to the public would be getting representative to attend gigs and concerts to give out leaflets and free magazine tasters. This would show people what the magazine contains and attract them to buy the magazine, also this would be were my target audience would be.
Recording shops would be a good place to think about selling my magazine due to it been a music shop and the audience who are into music will all be there, so if they notice magazines which they would enjoy it would be easy to get it due to been in music shops.

my magazine links very much to real published magazine showing audience buy due to many attractions.
4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
When I was producing my magazine the target audience I decided on was teenagers and young adults. The audience of my magazine also linked to been intrested into indie music. I tried not to choose a particular gender for my magazine, but due to the colour palette being pink white and black the magazine seems to be aimed more at women, but the content of the magazine is mixed gender just the font colour used represents women more.The colour is light and feminine and may detour a male reader. Through my magazine I have tried to use black to make it not seem as femine and if men go to flick through in a shop they dont take in its all women dominated.
5. How did you attract/address your audience?
On my front cover, my main image is a teenage indie artist, which links to the main target audience, but the main factor of the front page was the guitar played by the artist. This attracts to the public eye, and with a magazine the front cover is the first thing you see and if it doesnt link to the target audience you are aiming at, your magazine wont hit off.
The content pages is attractive to the audience because it all the main stories and the indie stories and music upcoming which attracts the audience to my magazine. The photos I used on my content is artists and crowds, which looks fun and eventful which makes it feel youthful and for the younger generation. The fonts used are varies which makes it more intresting and not boring for the audience.
The double page spread is the biggest thing to attract the reader and get your audience to carry on reader your magazine. In my magazine I have used a interview base, with the questions answered. The questions are printed in pink font which makes it more attractive.
With the fonts and colours style used it appeals much more to the younger generation, and my target audience.
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have learnt how to use a variation of programs, Microsoft Publisher, Photo Print, Photobuket editor to cut photos.
I used Paint and Photobucket to cut my photos and get rid of unnessary background. I found photobucket very difficult to work and edit the photos out, over time with editing my photos I found out how to use it and cut the background out.
I found a website which let me edit my text to make it more funky to attract more to the reader.
In my prelimiary task I used lots of colours, cluttered the page by putting photo ontop of photo because I didnt know how to edit it and put photos back and some forward, with my prelimary i wanted a main image to stand out but I found it difficult to cut it out on make it draw to the top of the page without it covering everything so I had to keep it back but with doing my music magazine I had to learn how to order the page with the photos.
I also learnt how to use a camara, with angles and ways to make the photos look more realistic. I also learnt that the light changes the picture taken. I took lots of photos when producing my magazine. I thought taking the photo would be very simple and not difficult but when starting my magazine I realised it wasnt that easy, due to you needing to know the angle of the photo, lighting and the clothes they need to wear to link to my magazine and the back drop. The back drop was important because taking the photo with a busy background it was very difficult to take it out.
With some of the images I wanted to put a coloured text box around them, so I learnt how to add coloured boxes on top of my image and that by swapping them around onto different layers. I also had to learn the HTML colour codes to edit the colout of my text.

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I feel I have learnt alot since my prelimiary task and from the deconstruction I have developed and expanded my skills. I was able to not make the same mistakes as I did previously. Through my sixth form magazine I didnt link it to the audience, due to not making it fun or intersting which made first impression seem very dull .I developed on this and in my music magazines front cover I made it very colourful and attractive to the eye, to draw the viewer.
I thought my prelimiary task was good untill I started deconstruction the real magazines (NME-Top of the pops) when I saw they used colour palettes and various sub titles to draw in the reader. In my prelimary I didnt select a limited number of colours I used alot of different, which made the cover seem a mess. Also the main image of the page was the background instead of being in the middle of the page ontop of all the other texts. My prelimary was to cluttered and had to much going on which made the viewer confused and wasnt a attractive front cover. In my music mag I've made it more professional and easier for the viewer to read.

1 comment:

  1. The magazine appears very organised and appeales well to the her audience.
    i think the writting used was very large which over powered the front cover.
    The background on the content page was very bright and took over the content(hard to focus).
