Wednesday 25 November 2009

Media- Kerrang content

The content page is divided up into two halfs, the top half and the bottom. The top half is dominated by one large photo with two smaller pictures to the left. With the bottom half containing the content and what is inside the magazine for the reader. The content page articles are split into four colums like a newspaper article, that go vertically down.

Down the left handside theres a article already written by the Editor of the magazine which talks about the main article in kerrang this week.

The main image is on the top half of the page, is a picture taken of a band called 'shinedown' at one of there gigs. This straight away draws the reader into reading the article, due to the picture looking fun and crazy. There are two smaller images on the top half, which draws other readers. All of these three images have page numbers on in bold red writting, which shows the audience a quick peek of what the article will be like.

The main text on the content page is Kerrang, they have done this due to it being there magazine logo. The headers for each different section are writting in capital letters. They also are written in yellow which is a bright colour that stands out well and, especially as around the back of the yellow they have black filled in text boxes and with the black being behind the yellow it attracts the sections to the readers eye.

They have uses the same writting as they use for the kerrang logo to carry on the rustic look throughtout the magazine. Each section of the magazine is split into different aspects. E.g.News, Album reviews,Swag.

This attracts all different types of audience to read the magazine, due to them being able to skip ahead to parts they want to read. The colours used over the content page are simular to the front cover with the black, white and yellow to draw attention to the stricking yellow,becuase of the dull black and white.

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