Wednesday 25 November 2009

media-NME content page

The content page is dominated by a collage of photos of past magazines from NME. The text colums are laid out vertically down on the left hand side, with a list of the content and page numbers. The image used on this page is to do with the 10 year anniversary. The main photograph on this page is the past magazines with a short article in the centre of the page,written by NME's editor.

Down the left hand side is the content of the magazine which follows straight down goes in alphabetical order, with page numbers.

On the content page there is a copy of the front page with a banner either side showing the dates, that represents the time NME has being a magazine for.In this content there is no supporting graphics, like in most weekly NME magazines. Across the bottom of the magazine there is a strip which advertises christmas and offers the magazine is providing to its readers, this can attract reader to buy the magazine to get the incentives. The writting is white and gold which represent christmans and makes you feel in a good mood because of the clear and expencive feeling.

The content page uses a main headline which is written in large bold black font, to attract the readers eyes straight away, and ingange them in the magazine. The same style of writting is used throughtout the content page.

The colours used were fairly simple, the font used was black or red, these two colours work well together, and stand out well. They use the colour black because it symbolizes darkness and this is the kind of colour emos like and would prefer, due to if they used bright colours it wouldnt draw the same effect. The background appears to be very busy and uses a various colours, this distracts the reader from the main content. This relates to the genre of magazine due to it being a emo/rock mag, and they want to portray this image.

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