Wednesday 25 November 2009

media- top of the pops front cover

This magazine is a chart music magazine and is aimed a younger children who are into pop.

The magazines main name is drawn to the back and isnt used as one of the main aspects of the front cover. This is due to Robert Patterson being the main focus and covering over the header, they have done this because the magazine is aimed at younger girls and they all love him, which attracts a wider audience mainly female teenagers because he is on the front cover. The main title on this magazine is 'ROBSESSED' this is written in bold capitals and is bright pink,due to pink being one of girls favourite colours. They use the yellow block behind the header to make it stand out more. The whole magazine is multi-coloured which draws a range of audience. The main colour used is pink. The colour pink implys girls, attracting a more female audience.

This magazine is a bubbly,colourful magazine which is very attractive. It also, advertises alot of different music groups, which gets more customers because if there were only one, and you didnt like them you wouldnt buy it, but with a variety there will always be something to catch you eye.

They use the right hand corner to adverts the cheap offers in the magazine. On the left they have used a promotional evernt, to attract people with the '7' top tips.

The image in the centre of the magazine has being cropped so you can mainly see his upper body, focusing on his face. This suggests there is little background.

This magazine shows alot of subheading on the front, this attracts the reader. This is so audience is already drawn to the articles.

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