Wednesday 9 December 2009

finished magazine

This is my front cover for my magazine. I decided to use a girl model for my front cover who is playing the guitar. I decided to do this due to my main target audience being rock females. My choosen title for my magazine is KILLAH- I thought this would be a good title due to it being different and catchy. The audience for my magazine is emo/rock teenages, mainly females. I have selected to this group by the colour pallette I have used: with the pink, black and white.
The background to my magazine is a brick wall, I decided to do this so it didnt attract away from the main picture in focus.
The title for my magazine is written in large text with a pink star above the i to symbolize the dot on the i. Before the K i decided to add a scribble effect which would flow into the K, I did this due to it adding more effect to the title.
The main story for the magazine is in white writtting with pink text box behind to make the writting stand out.
Underneath the main image is two smaller images of two band that will be talked about throught the magazine.
Across the top ive used a banner effect, to advertise the a Free CD I choose to write this in pink bold text.
The bottom hand corner I added band names which will be featured in the magazine, each name is written in bold capital letters to stand out.

For my content I decided to divide my page in two halfs, left and right. On the right side I used a coloured background of pink to keep the colour scheme running throught my magazine and the left the background was kept white.
The context was listed down the left hand side, with sub headers to each section. The colour scheme I used for the writting was pink and black page numbers, which makes them both stand out more, rather than using the same colour for both. For the text I used Times New Roman, and for the headers I used Rockwell, I decided to use to different fonts so it didnt blend in and added more effect.
Top right there is a semi circle effect with a exclusive issue to the magazine, due to the background being yellow it attracts to the reader due to it being very different.
This context overlaps over a picture of a concert which is written about in my magazine, I decided to use this as my main image on my context becasue it draws the fact of music magazine.
The two images collected underneath were teenagers rave and a photo of a guy whos tour has being cancelled.

For my double page spread I decided to interview a new upcoming band called the heartstrings. I used the colour pallette pink and black, I did this because my magazine was aimed at young teenagers.
I made the photo like a mirror image to add more effects.
I made the title in bubbles with the writting cut out, and the used the logo for the band in boxes as like a contrast between squares and circles also using two different colours.

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