Wednesday 2 December 2009

Pleliminary task

For our pleliminary task we had to design a school magazine consisting of the front cover and content page. It was aimed at children 16-18, who had carried on up into the sixth form.

We also had to deconstruct other magazines to help us see what the audience want.
I decided to develop a magazine, about what was going on throught the school and events and problems for the children to be involved too.
<-- I used this photo as the background to show students at work and how its important to revise. This is a mid shot, I used a white female which represented the population of my school, this photo represents sixth form student,which is my target audience

<-- I use this image becasue I wanted to show people how bad things are getting and it was linked to how the school is trying to save paper. This shot is made up of six students at my school queueing for the printer.It is ment to attract the audience to read insided.

This is my final front conver for my pleliminary. The title of my magazine is called Guils chatroom. I used this title because i thought that it would represent what school is and that you can talk to people. I wrote the title in blue becasue it is bold and stands out from the page. In the top left hand corner I put the date of the magazine addition.

Across the front of my magazine i focused on five inside stories.

I used the red writting for the 'major queues' becasue it draws a stricking affect and they colour red represents danger and awareness and due to this being on of the top stories. I used larger writting due to it being the biggest story on the front cover, All of the writting is written in bold text.

I used a star text box to add more effect, I made the text box transparnet to keep the image of school child behind.

I used a range of bright colours to attract people to the magazine, this also won't let the reader get bored.

I used a speach box at the bottom of the page, to attract to the reader with the offer of a holiday which appeals to the audience. I used the colour blue becasue it stands out, from the white background. The picture also shows the reader the gorgeous views that they would get if they went on the holiday. Also the text in the speach box gives full,where,when,what information which straight away gives the reader the information they would want.

I thought the background to my magazine was drawn away, due to the adverts and storys over the top attracted it away from the readers eyes. Althought it doesnt distract the reader from the main aims of the magazine.

If I were to do it again, I would stick to a range of colours, three at maxium, due the amount of colours on my front colour makes it seem to busy and not as professional.

For my content page I decided to keep it a basic theme, and not really busy content.
The content page numbers are written in red, due red being bold and represents stricking affect and alert.
The main content titles are written in black, and in bold writting where the breif of the story underneath is in smaller text, to catch the reader to the story.
The main title of the page, is 'content' this is written in bold black writting which stands off the page.
The background to my content is white and purple this doesnt attract the reader from the main stories.

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