Wednesday 16 December 2009

kerrang-double page spread

I chose to deconstruct KERRANG's double page spread, the article was about Fall Out Boy, which is a rock band, and there future.
The main part of the article is the large image of fall out boy, its a long shot of the band, they cover over half of the articles page.
The main title of this page is "we dont know the future of fall out boy!" the colours used is black, with future in light blue. The title is large with every word starting with a capital letter. The text used is a skinny rock text.
They uses the blue colour throughtout this article due to blue being associated with boys and the target audience for this magazine is manly males. The colours used in this article are light blue and black, to only use two colours it draws alot of effect, the back drop colour is plain white. They use the plain white background so they can easly attract the readers eye to the band to the white contrasting with the colours of the band. They use a different layer effect for the band with other band members over lapping others.
The target audience for this article is teenage males. This is due to Fall Out Boy being aimed mostly at boys, this attracts the male audience and engages them with the article. Fall Out Boy is not all aimed at males, the audience is females too, but that is the main reason for the colour palette due to it being more males.
The writting throught the short article is writting in the same text, with a small black funky writting, although throught the beggining of the article the bands name is mentioned and the text for there band name is written in bold writting to make it stand out from the rest of the text.
In the top right hand corner there is a black coloured in text box with blue writting quoting the bands names, underneath this theres words from the bands latest song.
The band in the photo is colour coded most band members wearing blue, black and white.

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