Thursday 17 December 2009


The range of photos used:
I took a range of photos of ollie, because I was going to use him as my front cover photo.I used varies shot, mid shot, close up, high angle, long shot, extreme close up.I then used a female model for my front cover due to the colour scheme I wanted it to appear more of a girly magazine.I used a mix type of shots of her: low angle, close up, long shot and mid close up.

I also took a picture of a brick wall to use as my magazine background.

This is the front page image, i deleted the brick background even though Im going to keep a brick effect as the wall. I chaged the contrast of the picture to make it funky and seem more indie.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

kerrang-double page spread

I chose to deconstruct KERRANG's double page spread, the article was about Fall Out Boy, which is a rock band, and there future.
The main part of the article is the large image of fall out boy, its a long shot of the band, they cover over half of the articles page.
The main title of this page is "we dont know the future of fall out boy!" the colours used is black, with future in light blue. The title is large with every word starting with a capital letter. The text used is a skinny rock text.
They uses the blue colour throughtout this article due to blue being associated with boys and the target audience for this magazine is manly males. The colours used in this article are light blue and black, to only use two colours it draws alot of effect, the back drop colour is plain white. They use the plain white background so they can easly attract the readers eye to the band to the white contrasting with the colours of the band. They use a different layer effect for the band with other band members over lapping others.
The target audience for this article is teenage males. This is due to Fall Out Boy being aimed mostly at boys, this attracts the male audience and engages them with the article. Fall Out Boy is not all aimed at males, the audience is females too, but that is the main reason for the colour palette due to it being more males.
The writting throught the short article is writting in the same text, with a small black funky writting, although throught the beggining of the article the bands name is mentioned and the text for there band name is written in bold writting to make it stand out from the rest of the text.
In the top right hand corner there is a black coloured in text box with blue writting quoting the bands names, underneath this theres words from the bands latest song.
The band in the photo is colour coded most band members wearing blue, black and white.

Friday 11 December 2009

top of the pops-double page spread

For my double page spread I have deconstructed a article out of top of the pops, this magazine is based on pop.
The main shot and attraction to this magazine is Leona Lewis slightly to the right of the centre, they have used a mid close up, and enlarged the image, it is very catching to the eye and blocks out images around. The picture is a good size, with a good layout so it is easy to read the context around the photo, and is not mixed in together. Around the magazine there is a mixed range of photos (who?)...
The page is divided into nine different boxes, with text inside each box. The text written on the page is not huge amounts which is more appealing to the reader due to them not having large amounts to read, the text also varies in sizes and fonts which adds more effect and attracts the reader more.
The text in each box is divided into two different colours, sectioned of with the top half and bottom half due to the colours, the top half is written in pink and bottom text is white.
Above the context boxes there is circle title boxes, with a back colour of pink and writting in white.
The main colours used on this double page spread is, white, black and pink.
There are two shades of pink, light pink and dark.
The main text across the front of the sprad is in large white text, with pink quotation mark each side,trying to portray Leona saying it. The white headline contrasts against the picture used as the background so it is easily seen.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

finished magazine

This is my front cover for my magazine. I decided to use a girl model for my front cover who is playing the guitar. I decided to do this due to my main target audience being rock females. My choosen title for my magazine is KILLAH- I thought this would be a good title due to it being different and catchy. The audience for my magazine is emo/rock teenages, mainly females. I have selected to this group by the colour pallette I have used: with the pink, black and white.
The background to my magazine is a brick wall, I decided to do this so it didnt attract away from the main picture in focus.
The title for my magazine is written in large text with a pink star above the i to symbolize the dot on the i. Before the K i decided to add a scribble effect which would flow into the K, I did this due to it adding more effect to the title.
The main story for the magazine is in white writtting with pink text box behind to make the writting stand out.
Underneath the main image is two smaller images of two band that will be talked about throught the magazine.
Across the top ive used a banner effect, to advertise the a Free CD I choose to write this in pink bold text.
The bottom hand corner I added band names which will be featured in the magazine, each name is written in bold capital letters to stand out.

For my content I decided to divide my page in two halfs, left and right. On the right side I used a coloured background of pink to keep the colour scheme running throught my magazine and the left the background was kept white.
The context was listed down the left hand side, with sub headers to each section. The colour scheme I used for the writting was pink and black page numbers, which makes them both stand out more, rather than using the same colour for both. For the text I used Times New Roman, and for the headers I used Rockwell, I decided to use to different fonts so it didnt blend in and added more effect.
Top right there is a semi circle effect with a exclusive issue to the magazine, due to the background being yellow it attracts to the reader due to it being very different.
This context overlaps over a picture of a concert which is written about in my magazine, I decided to use this as my main image on my context becasue it draws the fact of music magazine.
The two images collected underneath were teenagers rave and a photo of a guy whos tour has being cancelled.

For my double page spread I decided to interview a new upcoming band called the heartstrings. I used the colour pallette pink and black, I did this because my magazine was aimed at young teenagers.
I made the photo like a mirror image to add more effects.
I made the title in bubbles with the writting cut out, and the used the logo for the band in boxes as like a contrast between squares and circles also using two different colours.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

plan of my magazine

This is a brief plan of my content page, and how I am going to lay it out. I decided to put the content down the left hand side, with page numbers next to it, and on the other side its divided

into four boxes, top three with image in, from storys inside my magazine and the fourth box in right hand side its having adverts and games from the magazine.
I used a colour coded scheme to divide the blocks.

I decided on some possible names for my music magazine.

  • -Killah: I decided this due to it being a retro, and different name which stands out. Also the spelling of killah is different to the normal spelling killer. This adds extra effect and difference to my magazine.

  • -Ting: The idea of this name was due to throught my research the word KERRANG, is also a sound made from a electric guitar, and a ting sound is the noise formed by electric guitar.

  • -Diffusion: Diffusion means light being scattered when reflected by a rough surface, or the transmission or passing of light through a shining object. I thought this would be a good effect for my magazine, making a effect of my magazine being a shinny object with rough edges.

  • -Reflex: I thought the word reflex was a funky, rock name which would be good for my magazine.

  • -Plectrum: I decided this due it being the name for a guitar pick and my magazine being a rock magazine, with most instruments used are guitars.

  • -Bass Line: Bass line is a type of music, I decided this due my magazine being a rock/bass magazine.

  • -Tatoo: tatoo gives a effect of dare, and punk which is the audience to my magazine.

The colour scheme I have decided to use is, black, white, pink and red.

I have decided to use a selection of four colours because through my research the magazines have shown to only use a variety of colours, mostly four at most. I also learned this looks better due to through my pleliminary task I used quite a few colours and it made my magazine appear to busy and messy, so Ive decided to cut down and stick to four. This will also show the reader throughtout my magazine its all linked, due to the colour scheme.

This is a breif plan of my content page, and how I am going to lay it out, this will help me to plan the page so when its done I know it won't appear cluttered and messy.
At the top I am having a huge scribble which will like bleed into the title, the blue boxes are all boxes that will have text in. I have coded it so the red boxes will have images in. The is going to be one large image that will dominate the whole front page of the magazine. This is going to be off a singer.
The black boxes are adverts and offers from the magazine.

My decision of name for my magazine is killah. And title designs:

To the title to add effect, over the 'I' I am going to put a pink star to use as the dot, also before the K I have included a huge scribble to make it seem like the scribble bleeds into the K.

This is the star I am going to add for the dot on the I of my title.

Pleliminary task

For our pleliminary task we had to design a school magazine consisting of the front cover and content page. It was aimed at children 16-18, who had carried on up into the sixth form.

We also had to deconstruct other magazines to help us see what the audience want.
I decided to develop a magazine, about what was going on throught the school and events and problems for the children to be involved too.
<-- I used this photo as the background to show students at work and how its important to revise. This is a mid shot, I used a white female which represented the population of my school, this photo represents sixth form student,which is my target audience

<-- I use this image becasue I wanted to show people how bad things are getting and it was linked to how the school is trying to save paper. This shot is made up of six students at my school queueing for the printer.It is ment to attract the audience to read insided.

This is my final front conver for my pleliminary. The title of my magazine is called Guils chatroom. I used this title because i thought that it would represent what school is and that you can talk to people. I wrote the title in blue becasue it is bold and stands out from the page. In the top left hand corner I put the date of the magazine addition.

Across the front of my magazine i focused on five inside stories.

I used the red writting for the 'major queues' becasue it draws a stricking affect and they colour red represents danger and awareness and due to this being on of the top stories. I used larger writting due to it being the biggest story on the front cover, All of the writting is written in bold text.

I used a star text box to add more effect, I made the text box transparnet to keep the image of school child behind.

I used a range of bright colours to attract people to the magazine, this also won't let the reader get bored.

I used a speach box at the bottom of the page, to attract to the reader with the offer of a holiday which appeals to the audience. I used the colour blue becasue it stands out, from the white background. The picture also shows the reader the gorgeous views that they would get if they went on the holiday. Also the text in the speach box gives full,where,when,what information which straight away gives the reader the information they would want.

I thought the background to my magazine was drawn away, due to the adverts and storys over the top attracted it away from the readers eyes. Althought it doesnt distract the reader from the main aims of the magazine.

If I were to do it again, I would stick to a range of colours, three at maxium, due the amount of colours on my front colour makes it seem to busy and not as professional.

For my content page I decided to keep it a basic theme, and not really busy content.
The content page numbers are written in red, due red being bold and represents stricking affect and alert.
The main content titles are written in black, and in bold writting where the breif of the story underneath is in smaller text, to catch the reader to the story.
The main title of the page, is 'content' this is written in bold black writting which stands off the page.
The background to my content is white and purple this doesnt attract the reader from the main stories.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

media- top of the pops content page

This content page is presented very differently, to normal content pages. This is because it doesnt have a full list of pages with the articles headers on it. Instead through my research I found top of the pops had a weekly theme. This weeks theme is Children In Need.

Across the top of the page it has a large strip about page one. It uses a strip of yellow, with pink and black writting. The images used on this page all relate to pudsey and it makes the content very colourful.

The content page main image is Fearne Cotton, because she is a huge part of Children In Need, and even presents some of the CIN program. The image used is a long shot, due to you being able to see her whole body, with background.

Around the outside there are multi-coloured bubbles with information about the pages throughtout the magazine. The bright colours attracts the reader.

On the content page there is a BBC Children In Need logo, which is advertising and supporting it.

The colours used throughtout this page are mostly pink,purple and yellow this implys a girly feeling.

media- top of the pops front cover

This magazine is a chart music magazine and is aimed a younger children who are into pop.

The magazines main name is drawn to the back and isnt used as one of the main aspects of the front cover. This is due to Robert Patterson being the main focus and covering over the header, they have done this because the magazine is aimed at younger girls and they all love him, which attracts a wider audience mainly female teenagers because he is on the front cover. The main title on this magazine is 'ROBSESSED' this is written in bold capitals and is bright pink,due to pink being one of girls favourite colours. They use the yellow block behind the header to make it stand out more. The whole magazine is multi-coloured which draws a range of audience. The main colour used is pink. The colour pink implys girls, attracting a more female audience.

This magazine is a bubbly,colourful magazine which is very attractive. It also, advertises alot of different music groups, which gets more customers because if there were only one, and you didnt like them you wouldnt buy it, but with a variety there will always be something to catch you eye.

They use the right hand corner to adverts the cheap offers in the magazine. On the left they have used a promotional evernt, to attract people with the '7' top tips.

The image in the centre of the magazine has being cropped so you can mainly see his upper body, focusing on his face. This suggests there is little background.

This magazine shows alot of subheading on the front, this attracts the reader. This is so audience is already drawn to the articles.

media-NME content page

The content page is dominated by a collage of photos of past magazines from NME. The text colums are laid out vertically down on the left hand side, with a list of the content and page numbers. The image used on this page is to do with the 10 year anniversary. The main photograph on this page is the past magazines with a short article in the centre of the page,written by NME's editor.

Down the left hand side is the content of the magazine which follows straight down goes in alphabetical order, with page numbers.

On the content page there is a copy of the front page with a banner either side showing the dates, that represents the time NME has being a magazine for.In this content there is no supporting graphics, like in most weekly NME magazines. Across the bottom of the magazine there is a strip which advertises christmas and offers the magazine is providing to its readers, this can attract reader to buy the magazine to get the incentives. The writting is white and gold which represent christmans and makes you feel in a good mood because of the clear and expencive feeling.

The content page uses a main headline which is written in large bold black font, to attract the readers eyes straight away, and ingange them in the magazine. The same style of writting is used throughtout the content page.

The colours used were fairly simple, the font used was black or red, these two colours work well together, and stand out well. They use the colour black because it symbolizes darkness and this is the kind of colour emos like and would prefer, due to if they used bright colours it wouldnt draw the same effect. The background appears to be very busy and uses a various colours, this distracts the reader from the main content. This relates to the genre of magazine due to it being a emo/rock mag, and they want to portray this image.

media-NME front cover

NME is a british weekly music magazine. It is about rock music and gigs that are going on through the UK. This edition is very special, due to it being its 10 year anniversary.
The main view point to this front cover is the large 10 in the centre of the page, this image grabs the audiences attention straight away. The number is written in shiny metalic silver which attracts to readers eyes. The main image is very big and takes up a large area of the front cover.
The main image of the magazine is the 10 this is set in the centre to show the reader its the most important part of the magazine,instead of putting it on one of the sides.
The brand name for the magazine is written in bold, capital letters. It is a contrasting colour to the background which helps it stand out. NME is written in bright red and outlined in white.
Above the magazine name, theres a header for this weeks magazine, due to it being a special edition.
The subject of this magazine is rock music but this months focus is on the 10 year anniversary.
Around the sides of the magazine there are all images of the stars the magazine have written about over the past 10 years,with a small list of some of the artists written down the centre.They are used as a background as they are black and white and blend in well. This shows they arnt ment to be the main focus of the magazine.
All of the writting on the front cover is bold and stands out. This attracts the reader to all the different features. The front covers features are clear typghraphy. The main features of the magazine are written in black and red.
They used these colours because there associated with emo colours. They use these colours to emphasize the graphics around.
The contrating colours create a rock feel and draw the audiences attention.
The barcode is positioned in the bottom right corner, and blends in well.
The colour palette used is linked to the genre of the magazine.
The magazine audience is guided towards rock fans, mostly males and in is in the age range of 14-26yrs.

Media- Kerrang content

The content page is divided up into two halfs, the top half and the bottom. The top half is dominated by one large photo with two smaller pictures to the left. With the bottom half containing the content and what is inside the magazine for the reader. The content page articles are split into four colums like a newspaper article, that go vertically down.

Down the left handside theres a article already written by the Editor of the magazine which talks about the main article in kerrang this week.

The main image is on the top half of the page, is a picture taken of a band called 'shinedown' at one of there gigs. This straight away draws the reader into reading the article, due to the picture looking fun and crazy. There are two smaller images on the top half, which draws other readers. All of these three images have page numbers on in bold red writting, which shows the audience a quick peek of what the article will be like.

The main text on the content page is Kerrang, they have done this due to it being there magazine logo. The headers for each different section are writting in capital letters. They also are written in yellow which is a bright colour that stands out well and, especially as around the back of the yellow they have black filled in text boxes and with the black being behind the yellow it attracts the sections to the readers eye.

They have uses the same writting as they use for the kerrang logo to carry on the rustic look throughtout the magazine. Each section of the magazine is split into different aspects. E.g.News, Album reviews,Swag.

This attracts all different types of audience to read the magazine, due to them being able to skip ahead to parts they want to read. The colours used over the content page are simular to the front cover with the black, white and yellow to draw attention to the stricking yellow,becuase of the dull black and white.

Media- kerrang front cover

Kerrang is a very common rock and punk magazine. This magazine is aimed at teenagers and young adults, mostly who are into rock and heavy metal music.
The main band on used on the front of this magazine is Fall Out Boy, use to be a very popular band.They used
fall out boy because they represent punk music. They use Fall out boys photo and large font on the front saying 'fall out boy' so they can catch the audiences attention.
The Kerrang logo, is very well known and reconsied throught the world. The logo of the magazine never changes. It has a solid black set background with white capital letters saying kerrang! The kerrang appears to have a smashed glass effect going throught the letters, trying to imply punk. The writting also appears old and rustic style.
The colours used through this magazine are always blue, black, white and yellow.
They use the colour black because it symbolises a gothic/emo feel, and most of the reader who buy this magazine are gothics or emos, so they use to suit the reader.
They use the colour white becuae it connotates a image of purity and youth, and this magazine wants to capture this feeling. They also use the colour white as the backdrop instead of covering it with all images. They do this to catch a natural feel to the magazine, and people don't think it appears very busy.
They use the colour blue becuase it is a stricking colour and contrast very well with the white and black,which makes it stand out more. The blue writting is always in capital and bold. Also, you associate the colour blue with men and this magazine is read mostly by boys.
They use the colour yellow as background blocks for text to attract the reader to the articles due it standing out of the page.